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Ill Wind Chime

You’ll need a thin yew branch cut no shorter
Then nine inches. Additionally, you’ll
Want twine cut in thirteen lengths, graveyard water,
Eight nails, and five cat rib bones. The nails
Must be new, and rendered bent, for this chime.
The rib bones must be from a black cat or
It won’t work. Knot all the twine lengths one time
Each. Then wet each twine knot with the water
Completely. Using one knot per piece, attach
A rib bone or a bent nail to each one.
Knot them to the yew stick, placed so they catch
And bang against each other. When that’s done,
Hang the chime secretly, where it will send
Breeze borne bad luck to a foe or ex-friend.

Juleigh Howard-Hobson writes darkly numinous poetry and has been nominated for The Best of the Net, The Pushcart, an Elgin and the Rhysling. The author of five collections, she lives in the Pacific Northwest USA.

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