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Phoenix Fire

Thin ice gives back the sky
mild sun turns the morning air

the exact color
of one part joy

one part hope
and two parts serenity

before the redbud
shows anything but gray

while the dogwood is still
only making plans

with molten wings
to the extent

anyone appeals to cat ladies
I appeal to cat ladies

my x-ray vision says
you are a cat lady in training

your x-ray vision sees
the star of my invisible tear

so you and Charlie are going
to heal each other

and me
yeah I'll bet

leave me out of this
no matter what

you and Charlie and I
and his boyfriend might


do to each other
all at once

random mutual reassembly
can't fix anything

if I had anything
to give I would trade it

for the ferocity
of the wolverine

or the toughness
of the snowdrop

a string of red traffic lights
over Mass Ave

phoenix fire in the night
the heat and chill of that fire

reconstitute my waxen wings
and I'm flying down its throat

Brian Jerrold Koester is a Pushcart Prize nominee and a Best of the Net Anthology nominee. His collection is titled What Keeps Me Awake (Silver Bow Publishing) and his chapbook is called Bossa Nova (River Glass Books). His work has appeared in Agni, Streetlight Magazine, Delmarva Review, Right Hand Pointing, Louisiana Literature, and elsewhere. He lives in Lexington, Massachusetts and has been a freelance cellist.

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